Lots of fears to unload

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Joined: March 18th, 2014, 6:05 am

Lots of fears to unload

Post by dynadork »

I am afraid I'll never be able to really stop drinking as long as I am with my current girlfriend.
I am afraid of ending my relationship and not getting to keep all the pets.
I am afraid I won't have enough money to live on my own if I end my relationship.
I am afraid that ending my relationship will hurt my kids.
I am afraid of ending my relationship. But I am more afraid of being like my mother and staying in a miserable relationship because she was too afraid to try to make it on her own.
I am afraid I will be stuck exactly where I am forever - Just barely getting by financially, mentally, and emotionally.
I am afraid of getting stuck with the responsibility of taking care of my mother when my stepfather dies.
I am afraid my mother is so far detached from reality that we will never be able to reconcile our past disagreements.
I am afraid of accidentally stabbing myself with steak knives while emptying the dishwasher while home alone and I will bleed to death on the kitchen floor.
I am afraid of dying in any kind of freak accident. You name it, and I've worried about it.
I am afraid I've passed on a whole cocktail of mental illnesses to my 5 kids.
I am afraid my reckless behavior after my divorce hurt my kids far worse than I can ever imagine.
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