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So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 1:43 am
by Nevina
Psychiatrist thinks it may be time to try bipolar meds. I've never even considered that I might be bipolar - I never saw any evidence of that. Depression, anxiety, yes. But I didn't realize that sudden onset irritable or angry moods could be a sign. And prozac made me super depressed and unstable and irritable (but so did adderall and klonopin, so I'm not sure what that means...). Since I do have those irritable/angry moods, and I had one possible hypomanic episode last year, and none of the TONS of depression and anxiety drugs I've been on have been very effective, we're going to talk about possibly trying some bipolar med. I'm curious, and hopeful.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 2:29 am
by Mentalart
That's great that you're approaching your diagnosis with such an open mind. Let us know what happens!

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 6:32 am
by meh
I was in the same boat. I was on anti-depressants for 8 years and wondering why I had these awful outbursts at completely random times. It's not uncommon for Bipolar to go undiagnosed, or mistaken for depression.

It was my wife threatening to kick me out that got me into a serious conversation with my psychiatrist.

Good luck... I'm on lamictal and wellbutrin and it's really helped. Of course YMMV but once you get on the right meds and into therapy, things will improve.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 13th, 2014, 8:50 pm
by lattejunkie
Hey Meh - Does the Wellbutrin work well for you? I just came off of it because my therapist thought it was contributing to my anxiety. Now I am just on Lamictal. We are discussing me going on a different SSRI or considering Benzos (take as I need). Trying to figure out what the best course of action is.

Nevina - good luck with the new clarity. My previous therapist didn't seem to know anything about BPII because she said I wasn't manic enough for bipolar and instead went with major depression. My new therapist recognized it on my first visit and is really giving me some great techniques through cognitive behavior therapy. Maybe ask your therapist about CBT, meditation, and awareness.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 14th, 2014, 10:31 am
by meh
If you asked me a few months ago I'd tell you Wellbutrin is the best thing since sliced bread. But for the past month or so I've slipped into a pretty serious depression. I'm seeing my psych on Thursday to tinker.

I'm reluctant to go off Wellbutrin - When I was on Lexipro I put on weight and had the dreaded sexual side effects. So I'm not looking forward to the possibility of going on an SSRI. I'm hoping it's just a matter of adjusting my dose or adding something new to the mix.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 15th, 2014, 8:32 pm
by LM30
I spent many years misdiagnosed with drepression. When I was finally diagnosed bipolar it was a relief to think there might be better ways to treat what I have. Lamictol has been a god sent for me personally. I didn't realize how out of control my emotions had been until I was on a mood stabilizer.

Often people with bipolar react very poorly to anti depressants. I know that they made me unstable and had awful side effects of cognitive impairment and exhaustion.

Hypomania can take different forms and its hard to think of the times that you felt amazing and alive and good as a symptom.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 7:34 am
by meh
LM30 - pretty much my experience post-going-on-Lamictal. I never realized how out of control and scary I was.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 10:56 am
by LM30
I know! Its unbelievable how different my thought processes are on medication! I never want to go back to that place.

As great as my 3 month hypomanic stint felt (totally confident, never feeling tired with 4 hrs sleep, working out twice a day, going out drinking every night, getting mounds of work done quickly), its simply not worth the terrible lows and dark agitation.

I can remember times that I was screaming uncontrollably on the platform because I missed a train or being afraid of riding my bike because all I could think about was veering into a truck. I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK THERE, and am so grateful that I have a working treatment with no side effects.

I actually have a lot of resentful feelings towards the therapists and Doctors (MDs not Psych) that never saw my manic symptoms (even though a spoke about idealizing those highs). 5 years of depression treatment that with escalating episodes and suffering should not be the status quo in bipolar disorder diagnosis.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 11:00 am
by meh
Before I was even on anti-depressants I was in and out of therapy for maybe 20 years. And not one therapist picked up on the clues. I guess they're not trained to see depression.

It's pretty common for bipolar 2 to be misdiagnosed as depression. Hypomania can be confused with just not-depressed or happy. In my case, it took my wife telling me to deal with my shit or leave that forced the issue.

I know what you mean though - the things I used to do and say. I never want to go back there either.

Re: So, might be trying this on for size

Posted: April 5th, 2014, 1:41 pm
by abbysmom21299
I was misdiagnosed with clinical depression for 30 years. I finally within the last month was correctly diagnosed with bipolar II and have begun to feel a real difference on my new meds. I can't believe how many years of my life were ruined by this misdiagnosis! It is infuriating but I am happy that I am at last being treated for the correct illness.